kevincharm's webpage
Heisann! Welcome to my corner of teh interwebs. I write smart contracts and adjacent cryptography so that one day we can verify everything in our lives trustlessly through code instead of institutions.
I began programming with C in 1998, so I've been doing this for 26 years! Currently, I'm working on enabling capital formation for public goods with LottoPGF and verifiable randomness tools at Frogworks.
You can reach me on Twitter at @kevincharm or email me at Visit my GitHub if you're looking for code. I also sometimes write stuff in my grimoire.
Stuff I'm working on
- LottoPGF - Continuous capital formation for public goods through verifiable randomness
- Anyrand - Verifiable randomness on any EVM, powered by drand
- Verifiable Delay Functions - Proving VDF IVCs using outputs from the MinRoot VDF ASIC on EVM
Stuff I did
- broth16 - Groth16 using BLS12-381 pairings in TypeScript
- kate - KZG vector commitments in TypeScript
- blstoise - Toy BLS on BLS12-381 implementation in TypeScript
- sharmander256 - SHA-256 implementation in TypeScript
- bls-bn254 - Verify BLS on the BN254 curve, RFC9380 compliant (Solidity & TypeScript library)
- sol-rfc9380 - BN254 map-to-point functions from RFC9380 (SVDW, SSWU) in Solidity
- solshuffle - Gas-efficient stateless shuffle on EVM (Solidity/Yul library)
- gfc-fpe - Generalised Feistel cipher for stateless shuffling (TypeScript library)
- sparse-merkle-tree - Sparse Merkle Tree implementation (Solidity & TypeScript library)
- smt_fe - Sparse Merkle Tree implementation in Fe
- RNGesus - EVM verifier for drand BLS12-381 beacons (based on 0xPARC's circom-pairing circuits)
- Terrestrial Instigator - bare metal x86_64 space shooter game
- argir - x86_64 hobby kernel
- Devcon Auction & Raffle - Raffle optimisation, implement VRF & Passport attestation
- drand - BLS-on-BN254 scheme for random beacons
- kyber - BN254 curve support
- Chainlink - Sequencer uptime feed for Arbitrum chains; Bitcoin indexer
- Uniswap Anchored View - Upgrade Compound's UAV to Uniswap V3

- All raffles are scams: How to raffle the Ethereum way - EthCC[6] (Paris, 2023)